Can we aim for a higher place?
So if you recall last week was the inspiration for most recent post was asking the question; is our current culture of Self-Love/Care encouraging Selfishness or will it lead us to do better in the world and or with others?
I want to take this further and ask does our Self-Love/Care lead us to Self-Discovery?
I have come to believe that Self-Discovery really needs to be our goal because that *CAN lead us to transformation. I starred the word can* because the potential is always there for us but whether we choose it, like so many other things in life, depends on us of course.
In my adult life I spent many years of it being outward oriented or externally focused. On a simplistic level I mean the focus was on gaining acceptance of others especially in my appearance, my work and feeling like I was "doing good" or being "successful". Now those things rarely ever go away for us Men it seems to be written in our DNA. But if its not balanced or better yet driven by internal grounding, unfortunately its often superficial at best.
Sadly, it took going through some really hard times (again) in my life to draw me inward and to start that journey of Self-Love & Discovery that I am still on. I don't claim to be an expert it is lifelong journey. I humbly try to embrace what wisdom comes my way, implement it best I can and share it with others. This Blog is even a result of this journey. It is the outward expression of my past & present. It is both an outlet for myself and hopefully a benefit or light to others. I say "sadly" because unfortunately many people have to hit 'rock bottom' or 'the wall' in order to really start this journey. However, I know many people who have chosen Self Discovery without going to the bottom and what a blessing for them, so it is possible.
I think we'll continue to explore the theme we've started for the rest of January.
So for now in closing, my hope is that your Self-Love also leads to Self-Discovery.
Does this make our Relationships any easier?
Absolutely not!
If anything it probably makes them harder, at least at first in my experience...why?
The answer is, the type of Self-Discovery that leads to what I've started touching on here above means; no more hiding from ourselves or our loved ones - and it often hurts I know!
See you next week and as always thank you for reading.
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